Home Screen
The Home icon on the app is the landing page and the first thing you will see when you log in. The top section will show Upcoming Events. This section will remain static as you scroll up and down the page.
The bottom section shows Notifications. You can scroll up and down within this section. Any unread notifications will be highlighted in green.
You can click on any notification to view more information. For example, if the notification relates to a discussion, you will be taken directly to that discussion's reply screen.
To view Settings as well as Logout of the App, click the gear icon in the top right corner of the Home screen.
If you click Notification Settings, you will be able to decide what type of push notifications you want on your phone.
To allow for push notifications on your iPhone you will want to navigate to Settings>>Notifications>>Dick's TSHQ
To allow for push notifications on your Android you will want to navigate to Settings>>Sound/Notifications or Notifications>>Application Notifications>>Dick's TSHQ.